AITA…I told my wife she can’t go to Music festival without me.
how do you guys cope with aging and death ?
Help needed - we think we’ve lost 6 years of my son’s Minecraft worlds
Help - we think we lost 6 years of our son’s Minecraft worlds
Helping my child FIRE
What is ruining your mental health?
Whats something men think isn’t attractive but women actually like?
Don’t know what to do about my son
Solar power - any working examples?
My son is attached, Dad hates it
AITA? Girlfriend doesn’t want my knitting.
do you think there will be a ww3
Who is the most famous living painter and why?
How do I know what to get? My husband collects and I wanted to gift him some for Christmas.
I looked at (almost) every Pokémon card ever made and collected all the ones I loved
AITA for telling my mom's family I don't owe her because she had gender disappointment?
AITA for blaming my mom for how poor we grew up?
AITA For telling my wife to take time off work if she wants time for herself
What’s a subtle tell that someone’s been through a lot?
what videogames could my middle aged mom with no experience play
At what age did you move out of your parents place?
What parenting style did you receive from your parents and how was your childhood because of it?
i’m about to travel across europe and my parents just sat me down and called me selfish
How do you explain to a 5 year old that you're broke without traumatizing them?
Aitah for telling my sister she needs to get her house cleaned up before she gives birth or the family will go for custody?