H: 1 star mods for you to scrap W: quad mods only 1:1 minimum 10 mods per trade
H: 3 star mods for you to scrap W: sentinel mods or arms keeper minimum 5 per trade
H: 2 star mods for you to scrap W: powerd mods only 1:1 minimum 5 per trade
I don't know if this has been reported yet, but i found (what i believe to be) a bug with making gattling plasmas.
PSA you can now drop the monster mask, but don't it vanishes into Todds mystery box
Still no new merchants in Milepost Zero
Bobble Head Exchange
Will I need fingerprinting again? DBS
Hey fellow 76 dwellers, this may affect your character build choices tomorrow if was waiting for this
Quick Update: Ghoul Within AMA - Character Slots
What can I get with 1 leader bobble head
4k caps per leader?! Nah…
H: 40,000 caps W: to buy leaders 4,000 cap each
I'm terrified to go to work tomorrow.
barely able to land an interview let alone a job
What's something that used to be part of everyday gameplay that newer players won't ever experience?
What will likely happen when they shut down the servers?
My mom having a drink with some British guy in Argentina (1981 or 1982)
H: Challenge W: People to spell fasnacht correctly
What happened ?
I’ve finally had it
Degenerated generation
Box with knife in my sons room
Men waiting to be executed during communist purge in Indonesia 1965.