[XB1] H: Rare Tan Urban Scout Armor Mask W: Rf set or value offers around an rf set
[PS4] H: Mods listed below W: offers of leaders, fas or apparel
W:this rock. H:Caps
H:2 oe mod W:bloodied and 3* strength mod
[ps4] H t60 armour torso W caps
H: Mods W: 1x Quad, 1x Anti-Armor, 1x Rapid
H: lots of caps W: bulk quantum’s
H: nukagrenades W: 40 leaders per 200 nades
H:misc W:misc I don’t have yet
H: misc W: looking for misc I don’t have
(PS4) H exploding mod, W weapon speed and vampires in trade 2 for 1.
H: Red asylum W: Every mutation recipe
H misc items W misc items I’m missing
H: Powered or 2* Int box mod W: Explosive mod
H: glowing unicorn w: best mods offer
H: Mask W: mods/leader
H: mods W: Non mod offers
H: mods W: wwr mod, ultra 2mm
H: FSA or USA W: arms keeper mod
[PS] H: 2k nuka cola W: 40 leaders
[Ps4] H: Caps W: Blue ridge flag & backpack
[Ps4] H: Demon W: Offers
[PS4] H: Mods W: Fas or other apparel
H: blue ridge caravan backpack W: caps
[PS4] H:Blood(50L), Dur(60L), Swift(90L), Exploposive(90L)Acrobat(60L), Junk(50L),Luck(armor)(60L),Endurance(weapon)(30L) Glut(45L), Vanguard's(40L), Aristocrat(40L) mod box. W: Leaders